Once an order has been placed, and before you receive a dispatch notification from us, you may edit your payment details and address, as well as cancel the order from within your account.
To do this, navigate to your account (UK/US) and locate the order you want to update. From here you can update card and address details:
Unfortunately we can not add items to orders or combine separate orders. If you see something else you like or would like to combine two orders then you will have to cancel the existing order/s and place a new one for everything you want.
Be careful when cancelling limited items as once an order has been cancelled it cannot be reinstated.
Please note the removal of items may or may not affect the postage costs as it is calculated by weight. If your order still lies within a certain weight bracket then the postage will still stay the same.
Keep in mind, we are unable to cancel an order after it has been fulfilled.